Tag: services

Off-site observation

Sometimes a child may experience difficulties in specific settings. In that case, it is often more fruitful to have our psychologists conduct an observation in those types of settings (e.g. in school, at playgroup, etc.) instead of having a 1-to-1 session with the child in a clinical setting. At the end of each off-site observation, feedback will be given, along with a report, as well as intervention plans and referrals for appropriate services if necessary.

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The initial consultation is carried out for the purpose of looking into the needs of the child and the family.

The session will include observations of the child and interview with parents and caregivers.

At the end of the session, a management plan in consultation with the family, that works towards the long term goals for the child will be developed.

How can parents prepare for the session?

Send in information on the child’s developmental history (e.g. when communication started and what forms of communication are used), behaviour, communication and social skills in a variety of settings with a variety of people and feedback from the school (if any) prior to the session.

It is recommended that your child have a good night’s sleep the night before.

It is advisable to have breakfast before the session starts. You may want to bring some finger food and drinks, should your child get hungry during the session.

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Assessments & Diagnosis

One of our psychologists (Hong Yin) doing an assessment

In discussing your concerns, the assessment and diagnostic process will help in evaluating your child’s level of skills and ability in various areas, such as, communication, socialization, play and cognition.

The session will help us to determine the individual needs of your child. We will be able to work out a management plan in consultation with the family, towards the long term goals of your child.

The session will include a standardized cognitive assessment, observations of the child and an extensive interview with parents and caregivers.

We also carry out assessments to arrange school placements that meets the various requirements of the different schools.

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